作家十大网赌平台推荐- 2023年10月

作家十大网赌平台推荐- 2023年10月

Opportunities for writers including writers conferences, workshops, contests, and submissions. Updated 10/6/2022.

将您的十大网赌平台推荐提交到mail@felisayslisten.com. 在每个月的第一天提交你的十大网赌平台推荐,以确保它被包括在内.

有一个短篇故事、诗歌或其他你非常想分享的作品吗?  看看这些出版物,研讨会和比赛的十大网赌平台推荐.  


在考虑比赛时, look to see how they handled winners’ work from previous years: Is there a list of previous winners? 你可以去哪里阅读或获得获奖作品? Who are the judges? 他们是你自己会读的人吗? 如果你赢了,你的作品会得到什么样的观众? 研究比赛和他们在网上的声誉. Use places like duotrope.com, Poets and Writers (pw.org), the New Pages (newpages.com),或《十大网赌平台推荐》(thereviewreview.net), 查看是否有其他来源的关于比赛的其他信息.


写作比赛的大列表以杂志比赛的综合列表为特色, book contests, chapbook contests, writing contests, audio contests, video contests, 以及来自独立出版商的竞争, literary magazines, alternative magazines, 创意写作项目, 写会议和节日. 如果你对年轻作家的比赛感兴趣,请查看我们的 青年作家竞赛指南. 您可以查看有关的更多信息 目前在这里开放竞赛.

October Contests!

Heroines Festival & 选集截止日期延长

我们邀请提交重新想象神话中女性的诗歌, fairy tale, folklore or legend, 或是讲述女性遗失历史的诗歌, or untold stories. 
2023年报名已开放DUE DECEMBER 18, 2023


Westchester Review

(Katita Miller, Automatic Drawing #16)

我们是一家位于威彻斯特郡的文学杂志, 纽约,但不限于我们的读者/作者. 当我们在2007年出版印刷版时,我们关注的是韦斯特切斯特的作家, 我们已经大大扩大了我们的覆盖面和贡献者基础, since the pandemic, 是完全在线发布的,在世界各地都有读者吗. 我们每年出版四期,精选一系列精心策划的短篇小说, creative nonfiction, 10-min plays and poetry. 
我们特别想鼓励提交的散文结束的事情现在- fiction and essays — and would love for you to share this message and flyer attached with your students/audiences who might write in those genres. 
Our submission portal opens and closes depending on our needs/deadlines in various genres at the moment, 根据下面提交链接中的所有指导方针. 我们不收取提交费的工作被考虑,欢迎您的兴趣. 

Our fall issue: http://www.westchesterreview.com

Submit Here


Check out the link here!


What we’re about

We write. We share. We live.
What We Do
最简单的形式是,我们写东西,彼此分享,然后讨论. 当然,组织这种努力需要一些规则、日历和六分仪.
我们互相批评对方的书面材料,并提供创造性的支持, constructive criticism, and sage advice.
Who May Join
如果你写信,你可以加入. Hell, even if you don’t write, give us a whirl, 只要你给我们提供自制饼干和柠檬水.
我们批评各种形式的写作, be it fiction, non-fiction, poetry, travelogues, erotica, 技术手册,如果有文字的话, we’ll read it.
So, You Want to Join
1)查看我们网站上的“新人”页面 http://www.pentopaperblog.org/newbies-start-here/
2)在我们的网站上查看我们的指导原则 http://www.pentopaperblog.org/rules-of-write-club/
3) Come to a meeting.

It’s really that simple. For what are you waiting? 介词:放置错误的介词?
注意:从回复中可以看出出席人数很少. 事实并非如此. 我们已经存在了很长时间,会员很少再回复了.

Formerly known as Crazyhorseswamp pink 半月刊出版小说、诗歌和非小说类作品.

每首诗收40美元,我们付0美元.05 a word for prose. 获奖作品的最高奖金为200美元.

提交的小说和非小说类作品最长可达7500字. We have published exceptional work that falls outside this range, but it is an unusual occurrence. 诗歌请提交一组3-6首诗歌. 我们接受所有类型的同时提交. 每种类型的更具体的指导方针可以在下面找到.



Each month on a Saturday, young scholars are invited to meet Professor Watermelon and Mister Smart at the Indianapolis Public Library. 冒险的三个小时, 这堂课深入探讨一个主题, like a mythical forest, 诡异的小镇或者收获园. These amusing settings are chosen to inspire a wealth of ideas and topics for young scholars to cultivate and use as springboards for creative writing and drawing. Young scholars research their topics by using the Dewey Decimal System and other valuable tools/resources found at the library. 这些学术技能以有趣和创造性的方式呈现, 当孩子们编故事的时候, 创造艺术,结交朋友!

Learn more and sign up!

Speed City Sisters in Crime

我们已经开放了本分会第九部短篇小说集的投稿, 将于2023年11月出版,正好赶上2024年我们分会成立20周年.



Title: Amber Waves of Graves
编辑:Lillie Evans, Tony Perona和Stephen Terrell
主题:印第安纳州的乡村环境、乡村墓地和小镇生活可以是美丽的. And deadly.


The Flying Island

Flying Island, the Online Literary Journal of the Indiana Writers Center accepts submissions on a rolling basis from Indiana residents and those with significant ties to Indiana.

  • 小说:不超过5000字
  • 非虚构类:不超过3500字
  • 诗歌:不超过三首,每首不超过50行.

Visit the journal and submit your work.

Please 点击这个链接仔细阅读他们的指导方针 and submit your best work – the competition will be extraordinary as they have some key pieces from very well known authors already.

More than a publication; a community.

Of Rust and Glass is a literature and arts publication featuring talent from all across the Midwest United States, including writers, artists, photographers, videographers, musicians, 以及介于两者之间的一切. 这是对我们美好社区中蓬勃发展的创造精神的庆祝.

“Fall” 提交截止日期为2022年9月15日

有关这些主题的更多信息,请访问 our submissions page.


Old Iron Press is a female-led small press dedicated to retooled classics and new voices innovating the familiar. 以一套完全不同的价值观存在于传统出版之外, 我们更注重创意而不是销售. 

提交我们的就职选集, “Playing Authors,” will go live on May 1, 2022年,持续到10月1日, 2022. 入选的贡献者将获得一份免费的贡献者副本和一份酬金..

灵感来自经典的游戏 Authors这本书最初出版于1861年,我们要问的是成为一名作家意味着什么——而且是一名作家.

欲了解更多信息,请访问我们的提交指南 www.oldironpress.com.

The Paper 24-7.com accepting articles

我们是当地的两份小报纸,一份在克劳福德维尔,另一份在诺布尔斯维尔. We have an electronic Sunday edition in Crawfordsville that is similar to newspapers of yesteryear – pages devoted to food, health, home, etc. 我们也有一个声音部分,从世界各地的作家那里征集意见.


把你的文章发邮件给蒂姆·蒂蒙斯 ttimmons@thepaper24-7.com. 不要附上文章,只是把它放在电子邮件的正文中. Also include a brief bio and jpeg mugshot and note that you agree for Sagamore News Media to publish your piece. 虽然SNM不支付提交, we do have a paid Sunday readership and your work will be available to our circulation base and also on our website. SNM不接受第三方提交. 每一个都必须来自作者.

Authors Publish 32家出版短篇小说的杂志

These magazines publish flash fiction; a few also publish micros. 他们中的许多人也出版较长的作品,以及其他类型的作品,如非小说和诗歌. 其中大部分,但不是全部,现在都开放提交. 它们是流派和文学形式的混合体,排名不分先后.

Authors Publish 5付费文学杂志

These magazines 为小说、非小说和诗歌付费. 它们是文学和体裁市场的混合体.

Inked Voices


With Inked Voices, writing groups and workshops can collaborate intimately despite distance and strange schedules. 我们不是一个巨大的评论论坛,而是一个小型研讨会社区的集合.


冰川:即将到来的冰河时代的诗歌 现接受提交

The Glacier 是印第安纳大学南本德分校的在线文学杂志. The magazine is accepting submissions of poetry, visual art, and fiction for its inaugural issue.

由诗人和艺术家大卫·多德·李策划,由编辑和诗人奥斯汀·维尔德曼管理, The Glacier是42 Miles press和Twyckenham Notes的姐妹出版社, both also of South Bend, Indiana.

我们追求最好的艺术. 接受的工作将呈现在一个干净的在线美学. 关于你的作品将如何呈现,请访问最新一期的 Twyckenham Notes.


COVID-19 has created a time in history like no other; students, specifically, 因此面临过许多独特的挑战吗. 通过这个诗歌项目, we hope to assemble a collective reflection in response to the trials and time at home we have faced, 在我们共同努力结束大流行之际.

印第安纳州学生在4 -12年级或本科阶段学习, graduate, 或者博士学位都欢迎 submit one original poem.


Storm Cellar 是全国分布的, 根植于中西部的独立文学艺术杂志, 出现在印刷和电子书版本. 这是一本关于安全与危险的日记. We want your prose, poems, chimeras, and ideas penned on envelopes in buses and train cars. 该杂志旨在刊登新老作家和艺术家令人惊叹的作品, 呈现一系列的风格和方法, 并治愈(而不仅仅是取代)无聊. 如果你在等待警报响起的时候写了一件要读的东西,那就把它发送出去 here.

- la Libreta-开放提交

《十大网赌平台推荐》每年在网上出版三次. We publish the work of intergenerational writers and artists of color from the Bronx and beyond that identify as women.

- 12月1日截止日期- 1月30日公布
- 4月1日截止日期- 5月30日出版
- 8月1日截止日期- 9月30日出版


Cutleaf Journal开放投稿

Cutleaf 每月出版两期新刊. We welcome unsolicited original prose (both creative nonfiction and fiction) and poetry from established and emerging writers. 

网上发表的作品 Cutleaf 可以被选择纳入印刷品吗 Cutleaf Reader.

您可以找到最新的提交指南 here.


阿克图书,图书出版的分支 The Cincinnati Review的目标是在其母出版物已广为人知的卓越基础上再接再厉. Like CR, 我们的小媒体会关注惊喜, imaginative, 还有引人入胜的诗歌作品, fiction, literary nonfiction, 还有混合形式——精心制作,抛光精美, 这不仅在情感上,也在美学上吸引了读者. 我们特别致力于寻找, 并带给广大读者, 非常有才华的新人. 最初,我们每年将推出6本书, 但我们打算在未来几年扩大我们的名单和员工. 访问我们的主页订阅我们的邮件列表.


Submit here.


征集诗歌作品, 第一本书奖投稿, 以及与诗歌相关的散文写作,如书评和采访. 访问他们的提交 to learn more.


Hazelden Publishing is the leading publisher of addiction recovery and self-help resources. Part of the?Hazelden Betty Ford基金会, 美国最大的非营利性治疗机构, we offer a variety of accessible and life changing materials–from daily meditations to evidence-based programs. 

在过去,我们每天冥想的书都是由一个人写的. Now, we are taking the opportunity of using the 365 days in a year to expand the number of voices we can uplift and recognize.?听到征集作品的人越多, the more inclusive, 反映社会, 最后的书会很有用.  

有关的完整资料 我们如何治愈:从成瘾和性创伤中恢复我们的声音的冥想 is available here: http://www.hazelden.org/store/publicpage/meditations-anthology-writing-detail 

有关的完整资料 不让任何人掉队:为康复中的服务人员和退伍军人提供的每日冥想 is available here: http://www.hazelden.org/store/publicpage/meditations-anthology-writing-leave-no-one-behind 


在我们的努力中,让更多的声音来自美国各地, the Washington Post’s op-ed department would like to hear from writers with a wide variety of backgrounds, interests and outlooks. 唯一不变的是,他们是优秀的作家,有强烈的观点, 重视事实和理性的争论,而不是谩骂. 我们欢迎一次性提交, 或者是我们邀请的突发新闻事件, 但我们也希望一些作者会发展成为定期贡献者.

The Washington Post maintains a high bar for acceptance: We receive a large volume of op-ed submissions and have limited space, so even worthwhile op-eds might not be accepted if they don’t meet our needs at the moment. But our having a designated venue for op-eds from across the country does expand the possibility that your submission could find a home here. (专栏文章的理想长度是750-800字.)

下面是一些写作的例子 这就属于这一类. As you can see, 主题的范围是广泛的政治, personal, analytical, humorous, legal, business-oriented, you name it. What ties them together is that they don’t originate in Washington or universities or think tanks or other common sources of opinion articles. They bring first-hand experience or on-the-ground knowledge to bear on matters that may be local to the writer but could easily be of interest to readers everywhere.

Extra note: It’s best to send pieces in both an attachment and pasted into the email (reading in the email is fastest, 但是如果文本中有链接, 它们更容易从文档转换).



Sixty welcomes writers and artists of all experience levels to pitch ideas for traditional and experimental arts writing around topics, and practices that are 与文化景观相关 of the Midwest.

将优先考虑由, about, 以及BIPOC和LGBTQIA+艺术家, 残疾艺术家, 还有长长的写作清单, art-making, and cultural practices that have been neglected in mainstream conversations and canons about art and culture. We publish writing, photography, art, archive materials, video, 以及深思熟虑的谈话, generative, experimental, 并与各种读者产生共鸣.

Once a pitch is accepted, 作者可以完全自由地访问我们的编辑, transcribers, translators, photographers, 并支持插画师创作和完成最后的作品.

要了解他们发表的文章类型和其他指导方针, visit the link.


约翰·厄普代克曾经说过:“创造力只是常规活动的一个加名。. 当执行者关心把事情做对或做得更好时,任何活动都变得有创造性.” At Driftwood Press, we are actively searching for artists who care about doing it right, or better. 浮木出版社是一本双年出版的文学杂志,于2013年在佛罗里达州坦帕市成立.

As of 2018, we pay our contributors (see guidelines for rates) for each contribution made to our magazine.

At Driftwood Press, we are actively searching for artists who care about doing it right, or better. We are excited to receive your submissions and will diligently work to bring you the best in full poetry collections, novellas, graphic novels, short fiction, poetry, graphic narrative, photography, art, interviews, and contests.]

Visit their website 欲了解更多信息,请访问 submit your work.


欢迎来到灭绝叛乱创意中心:歌曲选集, 鼓舞人心的小说和诗歌, meaningful and original, 这反映了原则, 从一个全球性的灭绝叛乱的关注和价值观, 区域性或地方性观点.

这个集合是一个声音和资源灭绝叛乱的成员无处不在, 并在更广泛的世界范围内为全球XR概况做出贡献.

Find out more and submit your work.


For submissions, email: submissions@blankcoverpress.com 


Deadline: Rolling
If you are 60 or older, we’re interested in your thoughts right now and hope you can write a short first-person narrative. (100-500字)投稿至aforce@mcsweeneys.并观看我们的网站正在进行的更新.


Established in 2000, The Awakenings Review 一本年度文学杂志是致力于发表诗歌的吗, short story, nonfiction, photography, and art by writers, 与精神疾病有关系的诗人和艺术家:要么是自我, family member, or friend. 我们引人注目的纸质出版物是这一流派的全国领先期刊之一. 长期以来,创造性的努力和精神疾病有着密切的联系. The Awakenings Review 出版艺术家的作品, writers’, 诗人与精神疾病的经历, 虽然精神疾病不需要成为你工作的主题. Visit www.AwakeningsProject.org 浏览提交指引.

2022年艺术家补助金完整指南 & Opportunities

一份顶级国际公开征召名单, residencies, fellowships, 我们相信这些奖项将在即将到来的一年里惠及艺术家们! 完整的名单分为六个类别:拨款、驻留 & 奖学金、征召、出版物、COVID救济基金和十大网赌平台推荐网站.

This list will be updated throughout the year, so make sure to bookmark the page, check back often. View the list.

Poets & 作家:新的写作竞赛截止日期!

有关写作比赛和截止日期的信息: Go Here

你想看到你的十大网赌平台推荐列在这里吗? Email the details to: mail@felisayslisten.com

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